
Croft for let

3 February 2025

A vacant croft at Fearnmore is available for let. The Trust invites notes of interest from prospective tenants. For particulars or more information please contact Archie MacLellan at admin@applecross.org.uk

June update from The Applecross Trust

12 June 2024

Rodger Harvey Jamieson stood down as Chairman of the Applecross Trust earlier this year due to ill health but takes on a role as Honorary Vice-President. Rodger’s long involvement with the Trust, as a Trustee and Chair, and with extensive knowledge of Applecross as well as the Trust’s charitable purposes and activities, makes this a valuable additional role where he can be called upon for guidance.

As previously reported, Kenneth McDiarmid, the longest standing Trustee, has taken on the role of Chairman. Other changes to the board include the appointment of Malcolm Taylor as new Trustee. Malcolm is senior partner with Bell Ingram and has a wealth of land management experience as land agent throughout Scotland.

Led by the estate’s… Read more

Rodger Harvey-Jamieson announces resignation from his role as Chairman of the Board of Trustees

12 April 2024

It is with regret that we announce the resignation of Rodger Harvey Jamieson as trustee and from his position as Chair of the board of Trustees on The Applecross Trust.

As I’m sure you will appreciate, with the aid of a small team of fellow unremunerated trustees, some dedicated staff, and an administrator “on the ground”, Rodger was able to make significant headway in developing the support of the local community, most notably through the following initiatives:

He worked alongside the Applecross Community Company in a major local planning consultation exercise to identify potential future projects.

He facilitated the establishment of a substantial community fund, which is now managed entirely by local residents.

He made a community woodland of… Read more

Applecross Trust appoints new Trustee

23 January 2024

Malcolm J Taylor TD DL FRICS

The Applecross Trust is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Trustee. Malcom Taylor is a Chartered Surveyor based in Forfar where he is Senior Partner with Bell Ingram.

Malcolm joined Arthur Young Estate Management in Forfar in 1987 and bought the Scottish business of Youngs Chartered Surveyors in 2006 and merged with Bell Ingram.

He has responsibilities for many estates in Scotland and acts for tenants on rent review matters and landlord and tenant issues. He is a RICS and AMC Registered valuer and Vice Lord Lieutenant for Angus.

Hobbies include rural activities, music, natural history and archaeology.

Malcolm joins the existing team of six Trustees.

Monthly Update from The Applecross Trust

16 January 2024

Hartfield House Hostel & The Bunkhouse

Hartfield had an exceptional year in 2023. Bookings were high and demand for accommodation remains at a premium in Applecross. The hostel employed 14 local people, however, the issue of staffing throughout the Highlands, and perhaps Scotland is still a major problem. There are plans to address this staffing shortage with some significant changes to the business, which will build on the work already done to make Hartfield a really great place to work and live. Staff will again benefit from Living Wage, gym membership, wellbeing and mental health support, holiday pay, flexible hours, and good quality accommodation. Hartfield continues to develop as an environmental business, cutting down on carbon footprint, generating solar electricity… Read more

The Applecross Trust seeks to appoint a new Trustee to its board

3 May 2023

The Applecross Trust is seeking to appoint a new Trustee to its board.

Applicants should be familiar with the Trust’s objectives and themes, and demonstrate how they would contribute to achieving and aligning with these guidelines.

Relevant Skills and Experience

Familiar with the workings of a Charitable Trust

Professional qualifications and/or experience in the land based, legal or financial sector

Track record of working with rural communities

Business development experience

The successful applicant will be required to provide approximately 300 unremunerated hours per year. The role will require confidentiality, will involve both lone working and being part of a team, and will include attendance at meetings, preparation of reports and regular communication with fellow Trustees.

For further information, please contact… Read more

Rugged Wester Ross Peninsula estate becomes the latest Wildlife Estate Accredited property.

10 May 2023

A prestigious international wildlife accreditation has been awarded to the Trust that cares for one of Scotland’s most beautiful and remote peninsulas.

The Applecross Trust, which manages the Applecross Estate in Wester Ross, has achieved Wildlife Estates Scotland (WES) accreditation recognising the extensive environmental and conservation work it undertakes whilst managing its land.

Stretching across 26,000 hectares of stunningly beautiful mountains, beaches, woodlands, lochs and rivers, from Loch Torridon in the north to Loch Kishorn in the south, over the past five years the trust has successfully delivered £2.3million of conservation work across 40 projects which has ranged from invasive species removal, native woodland re-forestation and connection of fragmented habitat to facilitating natural regeneration and protection of existing healthy ecosystems.

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Monthly update from The Applecross Trust

19 January 2023

Brighter face of tourism project

The Brighter Face of Tourism project continues to progress. The visitor website is underway and will provide a platform for Applecross to shine its light on conservation, environment, and responsible tourism. The beach clean campaign is now with the designer, and will look to be ready for the summer season. All these small measures will hopefully make a big difference to those lving in and visiting the area.

Baker Street

The Applecross Trust recently advertised a property for rent within the estate policies. A local couple have secured the rental and happily moved in to their new home.

Hartfield House Hostel

Hartfield House Hostel is now closed for works until 1 March. Bookings… Read more

Monthly update from The Applecross Trust

30 November 2022

Visitor Management

Applecross has been very quiet throughout the season in terms of problematic behaviour, casual camping and littering. Applecross Bay was free of tents for the majority of the year, and campervans were present, but not in huge numbers. All measures put in place to accommodate the significant increase in visitors have been more than adequate in 2022.

Brighter face of tourism project

Progress is slowly being made on the Brighter Face of Tourism project which comprises visitor information signage, a beach clean campaign, dog waste composting, and a visitor website. This is being managed and implemented by the Tourism Group and is funding by Coastal Communities Fund and The Applecross Trust.

Kenmore Path

There are… Read more

House for rent - Applecross Estate cottage

14 October 2022

The Applecross Trust hereby advertises for rent, the 3-bedroomed property of 1 Baker Street.

The stone built semi-detached property is positioned to the rear of Applecross House. It was renovated in the 1990’s and is serviced with oil central heating.

Notices of interest should be sent to admin@applecross.org.uk by 21st October. The rental will be allocated according to the Trust’s Housing Policy.

Applecross Trust community consultation

15 June 2022

The Applecross Trust held an open afternoon on 24 March 2022 to present ideas for the potential use of the old steading, the clock tower and the stables. All members of the community were welcomed to attend the afternoon which was held at the Applecross Community Hall. The Trustees were on hand to answer any questions, and the drawings were on display to give people an idea of what could be developed. Community members were asked to write down suggestions and feedback, and all notes were collated after the event.

Following on from the community open afternoon, an online version of the presentation was circulated for those that were not able to attend. The online presentation is still available for… Read more

Monthly update from The Applecross Trust

14 April 2022

Hartfield House Hostel

Hartfield House Hostel is once again fully open. There has been a constant flow of contractors staying throughout Jan/Feb but the hostel was closed to the general public during this time.

It is early on in the season but bookings are looking very healthy. It is likely that Hartfield will be fully booked from end April through to the end of October. Throughout the winter months there has been considerable works. A new bakery, The Baked Crusader, has taken residence; significant progress has been made on converting the old workshop into a laundry business for a local resident; sound proofing has begun on the hostel bedrooms to ensure a more comfortable stay; the first floor has been… Read more

Hartfield House Hostel looking for housekeeping staff

15 June 2022

Hartfield House Hostel, Applecross is recruiting additional Housekeeping staff at £11 per hour, and Senior Housekeeping staff at £12.50 per hour to join the team. Duties include cleaning rooms, and communal areas, changing beds, laundry etc. Benefits include gym membership and being part of a great team. Full or part time hours. Immediate start but can be flexible. Possible accommodation dependent on circumstances. Contact jessicawhistance@yahoo.co.uk for details or to register your interest.

Applecross Trust monthly update - March 2022

31 March 2022

On 22 March the Applecross Trust held a Community Consultation at the Applecross Community Hall. This was a first chance for local residents and members of the community to see and learn about ideas for the refurbishment of three buildings: the cart shed, the clock tower at the farm (and part of the steading), and the stables. The Applecross Trustees were on hand to discuss ideas, as was the architect who produced some fantastic drawings and images which were on display. Community members were invited to put forward their own suggestions for the use of the properties. This feedback has been collated, and will be used to make informed decisions on the future of these buildings. There will be a… Read more

Applecross Trust Monthly Update

12 January 2022

Hartfield House

Hartfield House Hostel was fully booked from end of April through to end of September. The autumn remained busy and has only really quietened down in November.

Hartfield will be open to 20 December and will then close for maintenance until 1 March 2022. A significant schedule of works is planned over the winter to improve the function of the building but also to develop the business.

There will be full drainage works, the connection of additional electric power, upgrading of rooms, preparation for new businesses in the form of a laundry and a bakery, and development of a tuck shop. Staff accommodation will be progressed, and the Bunkhouse will be made available for booking, as… Read more

Applecross Trust monthly update

1 February 2022

Wildlife Estates Scotland (WES)

Caroline Pringle, WES Project Officer, visited Applecross recently and met with some of the staff. The various modules involved in the accreditation application are now being populated and a follow up meeting with Caroline took place just before Christmas in order to further develop a Habitat Management Plan.


The Applecross Trust Stock team had commendable results from their efforts at the Highland Cattle Society’s Autumn Show and Sale in Oban where one of the Trust’s entries, secured fourth prize in the weaned calf section and sold for 6,700 gns.

Other points of note are:

Seven heifer calves were sold to a producer in South Wales.

Eleven steers and one bull calf were sold to returning… Read more

The Applecross Trust monthly update

30 November 2021

Wildlife Estates Scotland (WES)

Caroline Pringle, WES Project Officer, visited Applecross recently and met with some of the staff. The various modules involved in the accreditation application are now being populated and a follow up meeting with Caroline is planned for the week before Christmas in order to further develop a Habitat Management Plan.

Applecross River

A fish farm production site operated by Mowi near Sconser is being assessed for sea lice and the Applecross river could be affected.


Mike and Flo had commendable results from their efforts at the Highland Cattle Society’s Autumn Show and Sale in Oban where one of the Trust’s entries, secured fourth prize in the weaned calf section and sold for 6,700 gns.

Other… Read more

The Applecross Monthly update

15 September 2021

Hill & Deer

The team have been progressing with Habitat Monitoring. The deer count shows that the stag population has remained steady at 449, maintaining the average over the last 20 years. The figures have been submitted to the South West Deer Management Group and will be reported to the Scottish Government and NatureScot.


Spring works and silage making were enjoyed in good weather. One of the fields has been sown with a brassica crop of fodder rape and stubble turnips to provide some winter fodder for deer and to discourage them from eating tree bark.

Stock handling facilities at the head of the bay are receiving attention, with many of the old wooden barriers being replaced by larch… Read more

Monthly update from The Applecross Trust

18 August 2021

The summer season is in full swing in Applecross. The Ranger, employed by The Highland Council, in partnership with The Applecross Trust and funded by NatureScot, is integral to visitor management. The presence of someone in an official capacity, together with press coverage generated around the establishment of a ranger network across the Highlands, and the additional resource that a ranger brings has all helped to bring about a more responsible visitor behaviour.

There is still a way to go. But with the Tourism Group working together to develop a Tourism Strategy and management plans, the support of the Highland Council, and new signage due to be installed, visitor management is moving in the right direction.

Highland Cattle

Flora 11th… Read more

Monthly update from The Applecross Trust

13 July 2021

Gregor Watson was appointed as ranger by the Highland Council and funded by Nature Scot, covering the Applecross peninsula and wider area. Working alongside the Applecross Tourism Group, and with The Applecross Trust, and together with other measures, Gregor is making a positive impact on visitor experience and quality of life for local people.

Gregor has a very wide geographic area to cover and cannot always be in the vicinity. However, possibly due to it being the second year of running, there seems to be an understanding that the region has a ranger service and behavior has improved considerably.

The Applecross campsite is taking a large number of tents and motorhomes, which is fantastic. At present there is an… Read more

Applecross Trust Youth Scholarship Scheme

16 May 2021

Scholarships will be awarded in partnership with the Mackinnon-Macneill Trust.

The Mackinnon-Macneill Trust offers scholarships on academic merit to those from the West Coast, and the Highlands and Islands of Scotland who intend to study subjects in the fields of science, mathematics, engineering and technology. Full details and application forms are available in the last term of each academic year from secondary schools within that catchment area, including Plockton High School.

The Applecross Trust Youth Scholarship Scheme is designed to supplement the scope of these academic scholarships and will extend specifically to those who have been born in, be living in, or have resided in the past 5 years on the Applecross peninsula. The relevant application forms will… Read more

Update from The Applecross Trust

16 April 2021

Applecross Trust monthly update

It is calving time for the Applecross Fold of Highland Cattle. So far, 19 calves have been born, nine of which are heifers. There is one set of twins, for the fourth year running, something which is quite unusual. There are potentially a further 16 still to calf before the season ends (hopefully) in early May.

The Applecross Fold consists of 38 cows in total with one bull. Throughout the winter months the cattle are cared for by the Applecross Trust team, who feed them concentrates each morning and top up with silage as and when needed. Most of the cattle are known by name, and there is a plan to halter train one of the… Read more

Update from The Applecross Trust

16 March 2021

Applecross Trust Report

Some of you may have met Ian MacFadyen, who started with the Trust in mid-November. Ian replaces Mike as the main contact for anything property or maintenance related. He can be contacted via the Estate Office (744 209) or at ijmcfadyen@aol.com Meanwhile, Mike has delayed plans of retirement for a couple of months and will continue to be a Trust employee until Spring-time. Thereafter, he and Floortje will continue to look after the Highland Cattle.

Along with others, Jess has put a great deal of work into creating the draft Tourism Strategy. This is a complex subject which deserves considered discussion. Action on some of these points will require to be taken in time for the 202… Read more

Applecross Trust monthly update

23 October 2019

HILL & DEER Radio Access to the Bealach mast allowed Hill & Estate Radio’s engineer to assess the condition of the apparatus to establish the reason why the estate radios have not been working recently. The repeater and antenna – the two main components of the system – required to be replaced. The site is susceptible to lightening strike, with the result that the antenna has had to be replaced 3 times in the past 20 years.Stalking staff

Kenneth MacKenzie has joined David Abraham again this year as 2nd stalker and they are joined, principally by Georgia Carrington and Gregor Watson as ghillies.Sea Eagle Scheme

Scottish Natural Heritage operate a compensation-based scheme for farmers and crofters who experience… Read more

Applecross peninsula: a haven for some very busy marine life

19 February 2020

The Applecross peninsula is a haven for wild animals, both rare and those more widely recognised. The mix of mountains, rivers, estuary, the calm waters of the Inner Sound, bog and peatland, upland and lowland make the area a breeding ground for all manner of creatures, from golden eagles to sea otters and pine martens. This is also the case for salmon and sea trout. In order to ensure protection of their habitat and to encourage these species to flourish, it is crucial to understand their activities. And this is what Marine Scotland Science has been doing - tracking sea trout and salmon smolts within Loch Torridon – and it has produced some fascinating results. Marine Scotland Science tagged a… Read more

Applecross Trust monthly update

15 November 2019


Hartfield House hostel and The Bunkhouse remain open for bookings until 4 January 2020 when they will close for two months for refurbishment works. The hostel has been busy throughout the autum but is quieter as winter approaches, which has enabled time to be spent on a thorough refresh. Upgrading the Bunkhouse is underway with rooms being given a fresh coat of paint and all areas being deep cleaned. New signage is being produced, a disabled toilet has been added, and sheds/outbuildings are being cleared in order to provide bike storage, bike and walking wash down area, and a drying room. Work is soon to start on a new roof and windows for the large hall, and… Read more


17 March 2020

We are taking the Coronavirus very seriously. In our holiday cottages we have been taking measures to ensure that our guests feel supported, and that their current environment is clean. It goes without saying that our cottages are cleaned thoroughly before every new guest arrives, but our staff are now wearing rubber gloves when handling bedding and towels and when cleaning your room, and our laundry is being washed at a higher temperature to eliminate germs.

As a team, we are ensuring that hygiene levels are kept high, and will do our best to accommodate any requests to have minimal contact. Please also get in touch with the booking agent if you are needing to cancel. We understand things… Read more

Applecross Trust monthly update

17 January 2020

Woods Allt Mor

Plans are being produced for a new woodland creation site along the Allt Mor, on the Applecross Estate.

Airigh Drishaig

The woodland at Airigh Drishaig is to be continued under a new grant scheme. This will result in on-going responsibility to enhance woodland regeneration, but the presence of Amy Clarkson (tenant) will give some assurance that the works should prove successful.


Clearance of the gorse and Sitka spruce regeneration from the Smiddy Wood broadleaf area has been undertaken by a local team.

Torgarve Wood

A meeting in Applecross with Community Woodlands is scheduled in January to discuss options for the future of Torgarve wood.


The… Read more

Covid-19/Coronavirus update

21 March 2020

We are sad to announce that, as of Friday 20 March 2020, we closed Hartfield House hostel & The Bunkhouse. In line with Government advice and guidelines, we will remain closed for the forseeable future, at least until 4 July 2020. We apologise to all of our guests who may have bookings during this time, and will be contacting each one of you separately. This is, we feel, the right decision for our staff, for you our customers, and for our community. The changing situation with Coronavirus is affecting us all throughout the UK and the world. Here in Applecross we have a high population of elderly and vulnerable people and we need to do everything we can to protect… Read more

Applecross Trust monthly update

18 February 2020

Saltmarsh study at Toscaig

Lucy Miller, a fourth year undergraduate Geography student at the University of St Andrews has been carrying out investigations on the impacts of land management practices upon saltmarsh carbon stocks. The overall purpose of this project is to question whether a natural balance can be found between profiting management practices, and aiding climate change mitigation. Lucy is concentrating upon nine field sites around the Scottish coastlines as part of her dissertation - including Toscaig's saltmarsh.

Her research includes running a transect (using a measuring tape) from the shoreline through the saltmarsh site and collecting 5 sediment samples from each sector to assess relevant land management practices – i.e. migratory bird activities, grazing practices or artificial drainage… Read more

Covid-19/Coronavirus update

23 March 2020

The Applecross Trust is reviewing all of its activity on a daily basis with regards to Covid-19, and endeavouring to do its best for the safety of its staff, holiday guests and the local community. It has again been a difficult decision but as of today, Monday 23 March 2020, it is closing all of its holiday cottages in Applecross. This comprises Bramble, Faolinn, Estate Office House, and the Jam Factory. All those who have booked to stay in the holiday cottages between now and 30 April will be contacted and offered to defer their booking until a later date. Details can be found here. There will be no further bookings until 4 June 2020.

We understand that this is… Read more

Update from The Applecross Trust

15 May 2020

The Applecross Trust is reviewing all of its activity on a daily basis with regards to Covid-19, and endeavouring to do its best for the safety of its staff, holiday guests and the local community. The Applecross Trust holiday cottages (Bramble, Faolinn, Estate Office House, and the Jam Factory) remain closed until 4 July 2020, as per government guidelines. Anyone with an existing booking during that time will be contacted and offered to defer their booking for a later date. Further details can be found here.

We understand that this is very disappointing for those of you who have been looking forward to spending your holiday here in Applecross. However, we do feel it is the right thing to… Read more

Local parnters support local community in time of crisis

15 June 2020

The Applecross Trust has joined forces with a number of community organisations to form the Applecross Coronavirus Community Support Group. The aim of the group is to provide support to those finding themselves in difficulty due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Applecross, like many other areas of the Highlands, and indeed the UK, relies almost completely on tourism and the recent lockdown, whilst essential, has meant that many, many people are out of work and facing a very uncertain future.

Comprising Applecross Community Company, Applecross & District Healthcare Association, the Community Council, and The Applecross Trust, the group has been working in partnership to help those in need since the first few weeks of lockdown.

Archie MacLellan, Applecross Trust, comments, “We… Read more

Update from The Applecross Trust

22 July 2020

The Applecross Trust welcomes last month’s announcement that the Rural Housing Fund has awarded grant funding to Applecross Community Company towards the construction of three two-bedroom houses in Camusterrach.

A further announcement is expected soon on the outcome of the Community Company’s application to the Scottish Land Fund to purchase land from the Trust. Two distinct parcels of land – 6 acres of the Applecross Mains Farm and the 35-acre Torgarve Woodland - have been offered by the Trust to help promote further affordable housing, allotments and community woodland.

Hartfield House

As of 15 July 2020, Hartfield House hostel reopened to the public. Strict social distancing rules and an additional cleaning schedule have been put in place to… Read more

Employment opportunity with Applecross Trust

14 September 2020

The Applecross Trust is pleased to announce that is has an opening for an Estate Worker, based in Applecross. The job advert can be found below:


The Applecross Trust is looking for an enthusiastic and capable individual to undertake a range of general estate duties. Based in Applecross, the successful applicant will be self-motivated and able to work effectively within time constraints, both independently or as part of a small team.

Applicants possessing a trade, and experience with cattle husbandry and operating plant and machinery will have an advantage. Flexibility to work irregular hours is important and a driving license is essential.

Salary level is according to skill and experience.

Closing date: Thursday 1st October 2020

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The Applecross Trust November update

27 November 2020

The arrival of autumn heralds some familiar sights and routines on the estate.

This year’s crop of calves, grown on the hill and moor of the glen over the summer were weaned from their mothers and transported from Applecross this past week, bound for pastures new. A total of 20 beasts, comprising steer and heifer calves will now be settling into their new home in Cumbria. Another 8 heifers are going slightly further afield, to a new customer in Snowdonia. The appeal of the Applecross Fold, considered one of the oldest in the country, continues to attract interest from Highland Cattle breeders near and far.

This stag season, a central feature of annual deer management on… Read more

Update from The Applecross Trust

20 January 2021

Applecross is a living, working landscape, and the team continue to tend to its management during the pandemic, with all social distancing measures in place.

Iain MacFadyen has now begun his role as Grieve. He and his wife are settling into Applecross life, and getting to know who is who, despite these difficult times.


David Leat, Chris Wright and Eliza Leat conducted a bird survey in August 2020, the results of which make for interesting reading.

A similar survey was conducted in 2019, and some recording of species undertaken in 2018. It was determined that there were a great number of birds using the native woodland and surrounding parkland for nesting, feeding and breeding. Swallows and House… Read more

Applecross Trust monthly update

16 February 2021

Saltmarsh study at Toscaig

Lucy Miller, a fourth year undergraduate Geography student at the University of St Andrews has been carrying out investigations on the impacts of land management practices upon saltmarsh carbon stocks. The overall purpose of this project is to question whether a natural balance can be found between profiting management practices, and aiding climate change mitigation. Lucy is concentrating upon nine field sites around the Scottish coastlines as part of her dissertation - including Toscaig's saltmarsh.

Her research includes running a transect (using a measuring tape) from the shoreline through the saltmarsh site and collecting 5 sediment samples from each sector to assess relevant land management practices – i.e. migratory bird activities, grazing practices or… Read more


9 May 2016

The Trust has submitted an application for Outline Planning approval for the erection of 2 semi-detached houses next to the farm steading at Applecross. Further information can be found on the Highland Council website. Application reference 16/01585/PIP.

Anyone with any queries is welcome to discuss them with Archie MacLellan.

Applecross Stalking ponies on their holiday

15 July 2016

Loch Ness Rural Communities are very grateful to the Applecross Trust for allowing us to take Archie and Oscar, their stalking ponies, to Invergarry Games on 2nd July. Our local ponies were still away for the winter so the Applecross pair had their winter break in Strathpeffer cut short for a guest appearance as stunt doubles. Although initially reluctant to get up and go that morning, they were certainly the star attraction and people from all over the world came over to ask about them. Their behaviour was also impeccable, walking past the tannoy, fairground ride, bouncy castle and sack

race like it was an everyday Applecross occurrence. Loch Ness Rural Communities is a group representing local farms and… Read more

Swiss Highland Cattle Breeders visit Applecross

15 July 2016

Members of the Swiss Highland Cattle Breeders visited Applecross recently. The main purpose of their visit was to see the World renowned herd of Highland Cattle, considered to be the oldest in the Country. Farm manager, Michael Summers, took the visitors on a tour of the herd, followed by lunch at the Walled Garden.

Applecross Trust Public Meeting 7th September

7 September 2016

The Applecross Trustees will hold a Public Meeting in Applecross Hall on Wednesday 7th at 7pm. Douglas Campbell and Carron Tobin who are carrying out a 10 year plan for the estate will be contributors. All welcome.

Estate Office House renovations almost complete

18 November 2016

Estate Office House, an old keystone building on the estate, is being renovated for use as a holiday let from 2017. For 2017 holiday bookings please contact Cottages & Castles or the Trust.

New Trustee on board

9 August 2017

Arthur Macdonald became a Trustee in June 2017. Arthur is a Torridon crofter and currently chair of his Township Committee. He spent 7 years with the Crofter’s Commission where one of his roles involved managing the team responsible for addressing crofter absenteeism under the 1993 Crofting Act and developing procedures for dealing with duties under the 2010 Act. Between 1995 and 2009 he managed the Crofting Community Development Scheme for the Crofters Commission and was directly involved in the extensive woodland establishment project between the Trust and the North Applecross crofting townships where he performed an important role in developing collaboration between all parties. Arthur’s previous roles have included being a National Farmers Union (NFU) area secretary and Training… Read more

Shared Community Vision and 10 year plan agreed

23 January 2018

The in-depth strategic review and public consultation exercise which commenced in January 2016 has now been completed with the help and assistance of Strath Caulaidh Limited.

The Shared Community Vision and 10 year plan

Applecross welcomes 2 sets of twins

20 March 2018

The young calves pictured are a set of twins, born on 27th February to Anabel bhuidhe of Applecross who is 9 years old. The sire is Aonghas Dubh of Ardbhan. The other set of twins (not pictured) are from the mother of the dam, Annabel 3rd and Ewen of Callahally. All offspring are heifers.

Richard Wills resigns as Trust Chairman

1 May 2017

Dear all,

I plan to stand down as Chairman and as a Trustee of the Applecross Trust and will formally issue my resignation at the upcoming Trust Meeting later this week.

My lifelong association with Applecross, and that of my family, has made this a very difficult decision and one which has taken considerable time to arrive at. I have thought long and hard about what is best for Applecross, for the Trust, and for myself and my family, and think the time is right to pass on the baton.

The decision is taken largely on personal grounds but, in addition, Chairmanship of the Trust requires a level of input which I no longer feel I am able to devote… Read more

Vacancy: General Estate Worker

25 October 2018

The Applecross Trust is looking for an enthusiastic and capable individual to undertake a range of general estate duties. Based in Applecross, the successful applicant will be self-motivated and able to work effectively with time constraints, both independently or as part of a small team.

Applicants possessing a trade or experience with operating plant and machinery will have an advantage. Flexibility to work irregular hours is important and a driving license is essential.

Salary level is according to skill and experience.

See full list of duties

Closing date: Thursday 15th November 2018

For further information contact Mr. D.A. MacLellan on 07484 047250 or email: admin@applecross.org.uk

To apply please send your C.V. along with a supporting letter to:

The… Read more

Applecross Trust appoints Marketing Manager

3 May 2019

The Applecross Trust, a charity that owns and manages the 26,000ha estate on the Applecross peninsula, has appointed Jess Whistance as its new Marketing Manager.

The Applecross Trust is looking to the future, building on the progress that has already been made to develop partnerships within the Applecross community. It is keen to prioritise good communication as the key to a harmonious and productive relationship, and Jess will be a part of making that happen. Jess will be managing the Applecross Trust’s website, providing regular updates on progress and projects, as well as heading up the marketing for its new venture, Hartfield House hostel.

Jess, previously Marketing Manager at Scottish charity, Venture Trust, is based locally within Applecross, and has… Read more

Harvesting of Smiddy Wood

3 May 2019

Clear felling of Smiddy wood, on the Applecross estate, will shortly begin. Undertaken by Scottish Woodlands, this will take place earlier than originally planned, but fits with the timings as laid out in the Applecross Trust’s Long Term Forest Plan. Key dates are as follows:

13 May 2019: timber harvester to arrive at Keppoch and cutting at roadside to begin. Felling to begin mid-May.

15 May 2019: work to begin on bell mouth and forest track. Groundworks to be completed mid-June.

Timber haulage is due to take place from mid-May for a three-month period and will be limited to 1.5-2 lorries per day, leaving via the coast road. Disruption will be kept to a minimum and no roads will need… Read more

Update from the Applecross Trust

7 June 2019

Below is the first of a series of proposed updates from the Applecross Trust, with the aim of providing insight into some of the activity that has been taking place.

Planning Aid Scotland - Plan-It Applecross

The Trust has shared with the Community Company its response to the consultation on the draft Community Land Use Plan which was issued on 3rd May. All responses are to be considered in detail at a meeting with Higland Council on 17th June.


There is a plan to develop allotments on a patch of ground close to the hydro. The Allotment Group is community run, and the allotments would be for the benefit of the community. The Trust has provided outline… Read more

Applecross Highland Cattle go to pastures new

26 June 2019

Four of the Applecross Fold of Highland Cattle have found a new home in Wales. A farmer has purchased three heifers and a young bull from the Applecross fold, and taken them back to his farm in North Wales. This is one of several returning customers in the British Isles and even Europe to take ownership of the Applecross Highland Cattle. The Applecross Fold has been in existence since the early 1600s, and great care is taken over their wellbeing, with calves often being hand reared, and all provided with fresh pastures, and nourishing feed.

Applecross Trust monthly update

5 August 2019

Planning Aid Scotland - Plan-It Applecross

The Trust attended a meeting with the Highland Council and the Applecross Community Company on 17 June to discuss the Community Land Use Plan produced by Planning Aid Scotland. The Plan (named Plan-it Applecross) is being finalised for adoption, with details to be presented by the Community Company at the next Applecross Forum meeting on 2 October.

Hartfield House hostel

The hostel is busy with guests, and the staff team is enthusiastic about the future. More substantial works will wait until the summer season has ended, but small improvements are being made. The flower beds to the front have been dug, and new plants planted. The parking area has been levelled and… Read more

Applecross Trust monthly update

10 September 2019

Hartfield House hostel

Hartfield House has been repainted and the grounds maintained. The hostel continues to be very busy with guests, and everyone is working hard over the summer season. Staff accommodation is being created and some of the old storage containers repaired or removed. Hartfield House has now been split into 4* hostel in the main house, and The Bunkhouse, a self contained building offering good basic accommodation for groups and individuals. A new brand for Hartfield House has now been agreed and will be rolled out over the coming weeks.

Habitat Study

Experts, David Leat and Chris Wright, from Northumberland, are studying the bird life around the Clachan path area of the Estate. They are looking… Read more

Catching of salmon smolts in the Applecross River

19 November 2015

The behaviours of salmon and trout as they leave Scottish rivers, and the challenges they face on their seaward migrations are largely unknown. Marine Scotland Science, the government body charged with obtaining scientific information about the marine environment, is embarking on a study to examine this important question. The Applecross river may have a key role to play. Marine Scotland scientist David Morris explained: “The river is almost unique on the west coast in that it flows more or less directly into the open sea rather than through a narrow sea loch. This situation is ideal for starting to look at the directions that salmon smolts take as they enter the ocean.” Pilot work will be undertaken this year in… Read more

Gateway Woodland

20 November 2015

The project is currently underway and the end of 2014 saw most of the trees harvested and transported around the north Applecross Coast by Ferguson Transport’s high spec lorries. Mulching of the site is in the process of being carried out and new planting of native trees will start after a new perimeter fence is erected in February 2015.

The new path which dissects the site is already popular with walkers and mountain bikers.

In addition to the new 40 hectare Gateway site, a further 35 hectares of native woodland is being planted by the Applecross Trust which will lie adjacent and form a single woodland designed to provide enhanced environmental and aesthetic benefit.

Free saplings available for crofters

9 December 2015

While stocks last, the Applecross Trust are providing hazel, hawthorn, blackthorn, willow and rowan saplings free of charge to all crofters for planting during this winter. Whether it is for shelter, sustainable long term wood supply, plans for a woodland croft or just for the love of trees, contact Archie Maclellan on 01478 613489 or email admin@applecross.org.uk

Strath Caulaidh wins contract to produce strategic Estate Plan

13 January 2016

The Applecross Trust recently sought tenders for the production of a strategic Estate Plan which assesses the economic performance of the business and presents opportunities for development which are in line with Trust objectives. The successful applicant was Strath Caulaidh and their representatives have started work on this during January. Early stage processes will involve consulting with the Applecross communities.

Catching of Salmon Smolts

7 March 2016

The Applecross river has been identified as a potentially significant site for learning about some important aspects of salmon biology. The behaviours of salmon and trout as they leave Scottish rivers, and the challenges they face on their seaward migrations, are largely unknown.

Following a pilot study in 2015, Marine Scotland Science, the government body charged with obtaining information about the marine environment, is continuing with the investigation of the behaviour of salmon as they emigrate from the Applecross river. “The river is almost unique on the west coast in that it flows more or less directly into the open sea rather than through a narrow sea loch,” Dr David Morris of Marine Scotland Science explained, “this situation… Read more